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Bird Monitoring 2020

The year 2020 was not a great year in terms of tourism, but research and especially bird monitoring have been major successes. In fact - and this is thanks to co-financing by Mika Peck from University of Sussex - the monitoring effort has been the highest ever since we've started in 2008.

In total 404 monitoring sessions were done which is a top value (second highest is 352 in 2008). 187 species were observed which is another record (second highest was 162 in 2019).

In total we're up to 246 valid species (there are some undecifrable entries too). That still seems somewhat low considering the overall species count of the reserve is just above 400. This probably has to do with the fact that those 400+ include rare and very rare species where - in spite of a high monitoring effort - you still would be lucky to stumble across them within a 10 minutes monitoring.

Since 2008 45.636 data points (i.e. individuals) have been observed, almost 8.000 of those in 2020.

Unsurprisingly the Gray-breasted Wood-Wren (Henicorhina leucophrys) was the most observed species (per session and also per individual). It was present in s whooping 72,5% of all monitoring sessions. And it has been the most commonly observed species in all years except 2010.

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