We hope to replace the manual measurement of rainfall by a weather station at the lodge at least within the next few months. Down in La Delicia, Nanegal, we will continue doing it manually for the time being.
It's quite fascinating to see the difference in the data between the two sites. The Lodge is of course located at a mountain top at 1.920m whereas the measurement point in la Delicia is just outside of Noé's house at 1.150m. Both places are not even 10 kilometers apart and yet ...
All the data has smoothened out fairly well with four years of measurement. The only exception seems to be February in la Delicia. A small bump could be explained by February having less days than January and March, but such a drop seems remarkable.
The other thing that stands out is that July is the only month where the Lodge and La Delicia have a similar amount of rainfall. In all other months (although in the monthly raw data there have been some exceptions) the lodge has at least 10% more rainfall than La Delicia.