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A Happy New Year from Santa Lucía!

2022 has started successfully for Santa Lucía. During the first week we have received already six guests and observed almost 150 bird species. The rest of January also looks quite promising with at least two larger groups and several other guests.

Of course we feel the effects of the latest world-wide COVID wave and have had some cancellations of reservations.

All our staff has received two dosis of anti-COVID vaccination and is instructed to wear masks all the time when indoors.

The weather is typical for January currently, very cloudy and somewhat rainy ... however it is not as bad as it was in December when the Sussex group visited us. They probably could say that they never saw the sun while they were here.

Thanks to our new weather station data is available in real-time now and you can check it out anytime you like:

Last Wednesday we visited the Cock-of-the-Rock-Lek with four of our guests and - truth be told - is was the most disappointing shows ever. Although it is low-season for the lek activity - three birds and two calls (all within 15 minutes instead of 45 to 60) was not very convincing. Fortunately on the way back we stumbled across some cool birds (Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan and Golden-headed Quetzal amongst others), so the birding in total was not bad. However, we'll have to have a serious talk with our Cocks-of-the-Rock in order see what's going on.


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